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Drive-it-Day - Our George and Dragon run - Report by Dorothy Cottriall 

On Sunday 21st April 2024 the West Lancashire MG Owners Club celebrated the St George’s National Drive It Day with its own George and Dragon Run. This route was originally set by Ray Travies and verified on this occasion by Steve Till our Events Organiser. The day was fine and the Club was represented by 8 cars as follows:-
2 MGB’s: 3 MG TF’s : 1 MG F : 1 MGC: 1 MGA.
The route chosen was through the Trough of Bowland. It was a very scenic drive through delightful villages, across moorland plentiful with Spring greenery and flowers in evidence all the way. During the morning there were comfort stops scheduled at Ribchester and Slaidburn. This was followed by a delicious lunch at the Coach and Horses Hotel at the lovely village of Bolton by Bowland. 
(Four photos from the day are below. )
The day was enjoyed by all and a sum of £70 was raised for charity.
If you are interested in Classic cars and would like to join our Club our meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 8pm at Briars Hall Hotel, Lathom -  check out our Facebook page.
10 a.m.
 All lined up at the start at Briars Hall - ready to go
12 noon. 
Coffee stop at The Ribchester Arms .
From left to right - 
Steve Kirton, Ron Whittle, Joyce Whittle, Gareth Williams, Gill Kirton, David Ball, Jill Skinner, Noel Skinner 
2.30 p.m.
 In the Coach and Horses - Bolton by Bowland.

3.30 p.m.
Outside the 
Coach and Horses ready to set off for home.
From Left to right - 
Dave and Sandy Grant-Wilkie, Cam, Dorothy, David Ball, Elaine Till.
by our Chairperson  Dorothy Cottriall 
 West Lancashire MG Owners Club was represented at this event by 8 cars together with their respective owners as follows:-
2 MG TF’s: 1 MGA: 1 MG RV8: 1MGB: 1 MGB GT: 1 MGF Trophy: 1 Sunbeam Rapier.
 The Classic car display at this event was organised by our friends at the North West Casual Classics. We arrived at 9am to set up our stand just after the early showers had finished. The weather was sunny and dry during the day with a very cold wind. There were approximately 200 cars on site in total.
The Park area had very pleasant surroundings with good access linked with the Carnival area which had lots of stalls and fairground equipment and a children’s Play area, so there was lots to see and do.
It was a good day out enjoyed by all.  Photos from the show are below 

(Report by our Chairperson - Dorothy Cottriall) 

The show this year was held by the new organisers on behalf of Northwest Cancer Research. On Sunday 7th July, 2024 West Lancashire MG Owners Club were represented at the Show with a total of 13 cars and 17 Club members as follows:-
2 MG RV 8’s : 2 MGA’s : 3 MGTF’s 1 MGF : 1 MGF Trophy : 1 Triumph TR3A:
2 MGB GT’s : 1 MGB Roadster.
The morning treated us to some light rain, the remedy for which was to “get the Gazebo up” and we had shelter from the elements immediately. Fortunately by 11:30am the rain stopped and we had sunshine for the rest of the afternoon.
Our Stand with 13 cars on display provided a commendable display for the paying public who arrived in good numbers during the afternoon.
The Organisers put on an excellent show with a variety of Classic cars and Motor bikes
Including VW’s, Morris Minors, Stock cars and a selection of Army Vehicles.
The new Organisers had staged a fitting tribute to the Late Mrs Lesley Blundell, the previous Organiser of this event for the last 15 years, in the Local Parish Hall in her memory.
The Parish Hall also provided an admirable facility for a Tombola and Bric a Brac stalls together with a plentiful supply of refreshments including bacon barms, sandwiches and cakes and drinks. During the afternoon the Ice Cream Van came on site and did a roaring trade.
The event was held in aid of Northwest Cancer Research with entrance by donation as well as donations from the day’s proceedings and was supported by many volunteers.
The day proved to be an enjoyable one for everyone. Photos below 
The West Lancs MG Owners Club gathered at Briars Hall Hotel on Sunday 11th August 2024 in the sunshine and 8 Club MG’s met up and proceeded to the Show venue at the New Village Hall, Liverpool Old Road, Much Hoole and were joined by another 6 club members. The weather remained beautiful for the whole day.
The Club was represented by 14 cars with 23 club members in attendance as follows:-
1 MGTC: 2 MGA’s : 1 MGF: 1 Mk1 MG Midget: 2 MGB ‘s : 1 MG RV8 : 1 MGBGT: 2 MGB GT V8’s : 1 MGTF : 1 MGTF Trophy.
The attendance at this comparatively small show was very good with an excellent mix of vehicles including tractors , lorries motorbikes, Land Rover vehicles and steam ones which made a really good show overall.
The Organisers had arranged for the supply of refreshments together with a variety of craft stalls and an excellent raffle.
Our Club Gazebo,set up earlier by Steve , Club Events Organiser, gave shade and shelter from the sun for members to enjoy “bacon butties” and picnics.
Well done to  Nigel Watkins, club member, was awarded second place in Car of the Day for his Mk 1 MG Midget - the first time he has won any award with his car .
The day was successful and enjoyed by everyone.

In  a letter just received from from Carol Kirkham, Head of Fundraising for NW Cancer Research - she says that the total raised from last month's Lydiate  Show  is £ 2,692 : 58p.
This is made up of £2380 : 43p from Entry Fees and £312 : 15p.